MARIA KANELLIS' PLAYBOY PICTURES NOW AVAILABLE!!! Feel free to check our site and don't forget to check out Maria Kanellis' playboy pictures on this site.

Lara Croft

created by Guinia

Head: 20/-10/0
Forehead: -6/-73/-5/-6

Eyebrows: -44, 37, -51, 66
Eyes: 14, 5, 6, -33, 7, 34, 29
Nose: -12, 100, -22, -48, 61, 0, -30, 45
Cheeks: 8, -51, 17, 46
Mouth: 59, 26, 34, -14, 28, 5, -1
Jaw: -100, -32, 35, 7, -16, -56
Ears: -55, -14, -55, 2
Skin Aging:0

Body Type:-16

Neck: -37/18/-2
Chest: -70/-81/-27
Bust: -5/21/1
Shoulder: 25/-3/11
Abdomen: -2/-20/8
Waist: 23/42
Arms: 46/2/0
Hands: 70/3/6
Legs: -1/16/17
Feet: -15/8/-1

1. Definition 2/6
2. Skin Tone 3/9 (88, 0, 0, 0)
3. Eye Type 1/9 (52, 37, 0)
4. Eyebrows 20/38 (DEFAULT)
5. Eyelashes 4/15 (DEFAULT)
6. Lips 5/16 (94, 0, -18)
7. Teeth (DEFAULT)
8. Hair 46/73 (85, 12, -22, 100)
9. Underwear 2/31
10.Glasses 25/33
11.Knee pads 6/15 (DEFAULT)
12.Socks 1/24 (-13, -100, 0, 28)
13.Piercings 5/20 (DEFAULT)
14.Elbow pads 4/10
15.Globes 7/16 (88, -21, -81)
16.Shoes 2/33 the shortest (DEFAULT)
17.Design: torso back 28/141 V&H shortest, over her butty (-18, 0, -100, 47) torso front 102/141 V&H shortest, place on the left side of her navel(-18, 0, -100, 47)
19.Bottons 16/23 (90, -29, -48)
20.Belts 13/30 (DEFAULT)
21.Design: arm left 22/141
22.Clothes 31/57 (53, -30, 14)
23.Make Up 13/19 (96, 0, -11, 100)
24.Make Up 16/19 (93, 57, -40, 68)
25.Design: torso front 93/141 (86, -58, 37, 100) V shortest,H middle, put over her chest
26.Body Accessories 8/17 (DEFAULT)
27.Design: leg left 95/141 (BLACK) rotate once, V largest, H shortest, put over her knee pad
28.Design: leg left 95/141 (BLACK)
29.Design: leg left 95/141 (BLACK)
30.Design: leg right 95/141 (BLACK) rotate once, V largest, H shortest, put over her knee pad
31.Design: leg right 95/141 (BLACK)
32.Design: leg right 95/141 (BLACK)
33.Make Up 19/19 (94, 0, -7, 16)
34.Design: torso back 103/141 (85, 1, -7 , 100) V middle, H shortest, cover the white lines of Lara's shorts on her hips
35.Design: torso back 103/141 (85, 1, -7 , 100)the same on the other side.
36.Design: arm left 103/141 (89, -25, -14, 100) V&H shortest, put over her glove
37.Design: arm right 103/141 (89, -25, -14, 100) the same
38.Alphabeth: headwear 13/18 "point" (80, 0, -16 ,100) V&H shortest, put just up over her right eyebrow