Samoa Joe
created by Asteroth
Head morphing:
- Head: 12 66 5
- Forehead: 19 100 -11 32
Face morphing:
Eyebrows: -67 66 22 -14
Eyes: -12 -26 -11 -79 22 -28 -40
Nose: -55 -3 7 -23 27 69 16 -58
Cheeks: 39 54 48 43
Mouth: 77 -3 -99 10 39 -100 -10
Jaw: -100 -82 29 14 84 100
Ears: 66 66 100 29
Eyes: 1/9 X: 92 Y: 7 -5
Eyebrows: 21/38 X: 87 Y: 0 8
Lips: 14/16 X: 100 Y: 0 0
Skin tone: 11/12 X: 89 Y: 0 -6 30
Skin aging: 12
Hair: 14/73 X: 92 Y: 36 -7
Sideburns: 12/17 X: 84 Y: -8 -6 100
Underwear > Edit (so it doesn’t appear above tights) 15/31
Make up: 19/19 X: 94 Y: -12 2 42
Height: 188 cm
Body type: 26
Body morphing:
Neck: -73 21 16
Chest: -3 -3 96
Shoulders: -38 33 31
Abdomen: -40 49 78
Waist: 39 43
Arms: 0 34 25
Legs: 0 25 42
Definition: 6/9
Wrestling tights: 1/17 X: -13 Y: -100 -68 100 12
Torso design: 103/141 turn, horizontal & vertical biggest, place on right upper leg next to the crotch blur
Torso design: 103/141 turn, horizontal biggest, vertical 2nd smallest, place underneath the previous layer (MAKE SURE IT DOESN’T GO DOWN TOO FAR, SO IT COMES DOWN FROM THE SHOULDER)
Leg design: 103/141 turn, horizontal biggest, vertical smallest, place underneath previous layer
Repeat this for his right butt
Elbow pads left only: 2/10 X: -13 Y: -100 -64 100
Design: 103/141 horizontal biggest, vertical smallest, place on the upper side of the elbow pad X: 100 Y: -32 20 100
Repeat to complete the circle
Wrist both arms: 1/20 X: -13 Y: -100 44 100 4
Knee pads: 8/15 X: -13 Y: -100 -68 100
Knee pads: 14/15 X: -100 Y: -100 -68 100
Boots: 31/33 1st color X: -12 Y: -100 -70
2nd color X: -12 Y: -100 -70
Names: Samoa Joe
Hometown: Los Angeles, California
Weight: 132 kg