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Randy Savage (orange tights w white stars attire)

created by American Dream

Definition: (1)
Skin Tone: (7) color(90, 8) shade(-4) specular(-30)
Eye Type: (1/9) color(23, -45) shade (-12)
Eyebrow: (6) color(86, -33) shade (-3)
Eyelashes: (15)
Lips: (13) color(100, -1) shade (-2)
Teeth: (default)
Hair: (31) color(86, 4) shade(-9) hair scale(-100)
Underwear: (4) stylize it to the one that’s the highest up on his waist - color(86, 11) shade(30)
Templates aka facial hair(2) color(85, -100) shade(-25) alpha(70)
Mustache: (12) color(89, -61) shade(-11) alpha(65)
Templates: (17) color(85, -10) shade(-7) alpha(80)
Goatee: (5) color(87, 0) shade(-12)
Sideburns: (3) color(88, -20) shade(-13) alpha(88)

Face Morphing

Eyebrows: (-32, 26, -64, 17)
Eyes: (-20, -45, -17, -70, 35, 94, -28)
Nose: (-55, -30, 15, -60, -2, -25, -17, 45)
Cheeks: (-19, -2, 15, 8)
Mouth: (88, -60, -83, -78, 5, -18, -74)
Jaw: (36, 13, -5, -2, 88, 6)
Ears: (default)

Body Morphing

Height: 6’2” - right after the last 6’1”

Body Type: (13)
Neck: (-83, -13, 22)
Chest: (2, -5, 0)
Shoulders: (-55, 22, -60)
Abs: (-20, 15, -3)
Waist: (2, 3)
Arms: (35, -5, 5)
Hands: (-20, -3, -10)
Legs: (-8, -10, -1)
Feet: (-70, -7, -2)

Head morph: (-3, 8, 20)
Forehead morph: (-90, 15, -45, -56)

Match Attire

Hats: (21) color(87, -17) shade(100)
Kneepads: (8) color(77, -5) (20)
Kneepads: (5) color(77, -5) (20)
Boots/Shoes: (2) color(71, -20) shade(30)
Arm Accessories: (12) color(100, 0) shade(25)
Arms/wrists: (1) color(-13, -100) shade(20) length(11)
Logo/Design: (141) size it down once hor. & vert. - use 3 of these, refer to pics for placement - color(default white)

Cut Scene/Entrance Attire
1st - delete the arm accessories(finger tape) just delete them from the cut scene
Glasses: (23) color(default orange)
Jackets: (16) pattern(38) color(88, 55) shade(0)

Fighting Styles - Showman, Brawler

Name: Randy Savage
Nickname: Macho Man
Nickname Placement: prefix
Annoucer Intro: the legend
Hometown: Florida
Weight Class: Heavyweight (265lbs.)
Crowd reaction: good
Show: ???