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Justin Ace

created by J-Wun

When I don't put it. Leave it as it is whether its 1 or 0.

Hair - 4/73 . X: 92 . Y: -78 . Shade: -19

Head Morphing
Head: Height: 5 . Width: 7 . Depth: 19
Forehead: Leave everything at 0

Eyes: Eye Type: 1(Center) . Eyelashes: 15/15 . Eyebrows: 15/38
Mouth: Lips: 1 . Teeth: 1
Facial Hair: Goatee: 14/14(X: 88/Y: -100/Shade: -6/Alpha: 100)
Skin: Skin Tone: 6/12 (X: 80/Y: 3/Shade 0/Specular 74)

Face Morphing
Eyebrows: Y-Ax: -14/Thickness: 44/Depth: -81/Angle: -10
Eyes: Height: -38/Width: 11/Y-Ax: 28/X-Ax: -19/Angle: -37
Nose: Nostril W.: -19/Angle: -23
Mouth: Thckness: 41/Width: -44/Angle-94
Jaw: Height: 29/Width: 14/Depth: 14/Outline: 2/Upper Line: 4

Height: 6'5"

Body Type: -62
Neck: Height: -50
Chest: Height: 44/Width: -57/Depth: 6
Shoulders: Height: -88/Width: 59/Depth: -31
Abdomen: Width: -9/Depth: -19
Waist: Depth: 17
Arms: Length: 26/Width: 13/Depth: -3
Hands: Length: 59/Width: 11/Depth: 11
Legs: Length: 22/Width: 22/Depth: 13
Feet: Length: -35/Width: 21/Depth: -32
Definition: 7/9

Tattoo: 65/147(X -100/Y -100/Alpha 69) 2nd: 92/147(Same as 65)

Clothing(Do it in order)
Underwear: 5/31(X: -13/Y: -100/Shade: -55)
Wrestling Tights: 1/17(X -13/Y -100/Shade -55/Alpha: 100)
Glasses: 23/33(X: 99/Y: -100/Shade: 31)[Entrance only]
Boots: 4/33(X: -13/Y: -100/Shade: -55)
Hands: 6/16(X: -13/Y: -100/Shade: -55/Alpha: 100)
Tops: 12/40(Tight against the body and tucked in your tights/X: -13/Y: -100/Alpha: 100)

Belts: 1/30(X: -100/Y: -100/Shade: 0/Alpha: 46)
Design: 122/141[right side](look at the picture)(X: 100/Y: 0/Shade: 0/Alpha: 45)

Design: 90/141[left side](look at the picture)(X: 99/Y: 55/Shade: 19/Alpha: 100)

Tops: 28/40[tucked out](X: -13/Y: -100/Shade: -55/Alpha 100)[Entrance only]

Design: 90/141(look at the picture)[X: -18/Y: -100/Shade: 59/Alpha: 100]

Alphabet: Kind: 7/18(look at the picture) Write "ACE"
(X: -27/Y: -100/Shade: 27/Alpha: 100)

Voice: 4
Match Specialty: Hardcore
Fighting style: Hardcore
Fighting style: Powerhouse

"Am I On TV"(17/18)
"Legend Killer"(10/18)
"WWE Logo"(16/18)