Ariel (face only attire)
created by Dan_t
Hair - 31 (10, 5, -5, -62)
Eyes - Type 7 (-5, 0, 0)
Eye lashes - 7 (74, -100, -100)
Eyebrows - 19 (88, -100, - 45)
Lips - 4 (99, 0, -48)
Teeth - 10 ( default white )
Make up - 1 style 2 (-100, - 30, 100)
Tattoo - right arm - design 135/141 (100, 55, -5, 42)
Tattoo - torso - design 10/141 (-18, -100, -100, 30) - make it smaller so it fits jus abover her underwear as if it was poking out
Tattoo - torso - design 8/141 (-18, -100, -50, 30) - make smaller, put in the gap hole in middle of tattoo
Skin tone - 7 (88, 2, -7, 0)
Definition - 2
Face morphing
Eyebrows - (50, -25, 0, 42)
Eyes - (0, 14, 44, -10, -14, 0, 41)
Nose - (0, 2, 11, 0, 5, 10, 0, 38)
Cheeks - (0,0,0,0)
Mouth - (5, -6, 10, 2, 0, 0, -35)
Jaw - (-14, 0, 2, 5, 0, -5)
Ears - default
Body morphing
Body type -12
Neck - (-62, 8, 5)
Chest - ( 5, 20, 15)
Bust - (50, 55, 60)
Shoulders - (15, 20, 16)
Abdomen (10, 8, 7)
Waist - (35, 8)
Arms - ( -5, 20, 22)
Hands - default
Legs - (-5, 30, 30)
Feet - (-10, 14, 8)