MARIA KANELLIS' PLAYBOY PICTURES NOW AVAILABLE!!! Feel free to check our site and don't forget to check out Maria Kanellis' playboy pictures on this site.

Ariel (face only attire)

created by Dan_t


Hair - 31 (10, 5, -5, -62)
Eyes - Type 7 (-5, 0, 0)
Eye lashes - 7 (74, -100, -100)
Eyebrows - 19 (88, -100, - 45)
Lips - 4 (99, 0, -48)
Teeth - 10 ( default white )
Make up - 1 style 2 (-100, - 30, 100)
Tattoo - right arm - design 135/141 (100, 55, -5, 42)
Tattoo - torso - design 10/141 (-18, -100, -100, 30) - make it smaller so it fits jus abover her underwear as if it was poking out
Tattoo - torso - design 8/141 (-18, -100, -50, 30) - make smaller, put in the gap hole in middle of tattoo
Skin tone - 7 (88, 2, -7, 0)
Definition - 2

Face morphing

Eyebrows - (50, -25, 0, 42)
Eyes - (0, 14, 44, -10, -14, 0, 41)
Nose - (0, 2, 11, 0, 5, 10, 0, 38)
Cheeks - (0,0,0,0)
Mouth - (5, -6, 10, 2, 0, 0, -35)
Jaw - (-14, 0, 2, 5, 0, -5)
Ears - default

Body morphing

Body type -12
Neck - (-62, 8, 5)
Chest - ( 5, 20, 15)
Bust - (50, 55, 60)
Shoulders - (15, 20, 16)
Abdomen (10, 8, 7)
Waist - (35, 8)
Arms - ( -5, 20, 22)
Hands - default
Legs - (-5, 30, 30)
Feet - (-10, 14, 8)