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John Morrison (ecw attire)

created by batistarulez144

Hair:73/73 x 87 y -1 shade -15 hair scale -100
Head morphing
Head:height -20 width 9 depth 15
Forehead:size -100 height -100 width -7 depth 10

Face morphing
Eyebrows:y axis -80 thickness 100 depth 0 angle 30
Eyes:size -10 height -15 width 10 y axis -20 x axis 10 depth -100 angle 0
Nose:size -30 height 100 width 0 length -15 nostril h 0 nostril w 0 depth 0 angle 0
Cheeks:size 10 y axis 10 x axis 20 depth -40
Mouth:height 100 thickness -59 width 15 depth 10 upper lip -25 lower lip -25 angle -30
Jaw:height -100 width 0 depth -10 outline -20 upper line -70 thickness 15
Skin tone:1/12
Skin aging:25
Eye type:1/9 x 77 y -51 shade -26
Eyebrows:2/38 x 85 y 0 shade -60
Make up:1/19 x100 y -100 shade -40 alpha 20

Height: 185cm
Body type:0
Body morphing
Chest:height 10 width -20 depth -10
Shoulders:height -20 width 15 depth 0
Abdomen:height 15 width 20 depth -10
Arms:length 10 width 60 depth 0
Legs:length 0 width 20 depth 10
Definition 7/9

Glasses:23/33 x 100 y -100 shade -78 delete so its only on entrance and cut scene

Upper body
Elbows:both arms 2/10 x -13 y -100 shade -100 alpha 100
Arm/wrists:15/20 x -13 y -100 shade -100 alpha 100
accessories:12/17 x 78 y -100 shade 5 alpha 100
delete so its only on entrance and cut scene
Jackets:1/21 stylize open x 82 y -100 shade 47 delete so its only on entrance and cut scene

Lower body
Bottoms:25/42 x 86 y -24 shade -30
logos:design:right leg 37/141 place on the top as far as it can go on pants x 86 y -45 shade 60 alpha 100

do the same but on other leg

now keep on doing it 1 below the other leave a little space between knee

logos:design:103/141 rotate horizontal up once place arond bottom of leg x 72 y -100 shade 30 alpha 100

do the same until it completely goes arond leg and it on other leg

Boots/Shoes:33/33 x -13 y -100 shade -100

Voice:voice 3
match specialty:ecw extreme rules
fighting style:no 1:brawler no 2: high flyer
Crowd signs:all of johnny nitros

Name: John Morrison
Nickname: John morrison
Nickname placement: none
HUD Name: John
Announcer introduction:John
Hometown:Los Angeles,California
Weight class: 100 kg light heavyweight
Crowd reaction:good