MARIA KANELLIS' PLAYBOY PICTURES NOW AVAILABLE!!! Feel free to check our site and don't forget to check out Maria Kanellis' playboy pictures on this site.

Paul London (red attire)

created by Lenny_C

Hair 26/73 X:98 Y:0 Shade -20 Hair scale:-100
Head morphing
Head Height:5 Width:-13 Depth:2
Forehead Size:20 Height:-6 Width:16 Depth:-3
Eye type 2/9 Reguler, Brown
Eyelashes 1/15
Eyebrows 15/38 X:86 Y:0 Shade:-20
Lips: 1/16
Teeth: 1/14
No Facial Features
No Marks
Skin Tone 1/12 X:90 Y:0 Shade:0
Skin Aging Age:20
Face/Face Morphing
Eyebrows Y-Axis:-74 Thickness:100 Depth:3 Angle:-53
Eyes Size:-8 Height:-15 Width:1 Y-Axis:12 X-Axis:9 Depth:-4 Angle:4
Nose Size:25 Height:42 Width:45 Length:2 Nostril H:-4 Nostril W:-38 Depth:9 Angle:2
Cheeks Size:-19 Y-axis:-95, X-Axis:4 Depth:-17
Mouth Height:24 Thickness:-25 Width:-28 Depth:-15 Upper Lip:16 Lower Lip:37 Angle:-49
Jaw Height:-3 Width:22 Depth:1 Outline:-27 Upper Line:-43 Thickness:-3
Ears Size:4 Angle1:8 Angle2:-22 Shape:0
Facial Hair
Sideburns:16/17 X:90 Y:0 Shade: Alpha:100
Goatee: 9/14 X:90 Y:0 Shade: Alpha:100
Templates: 15/26 X:90 Y:0 Shade: Alpha:100

Body: Height 5"10"
Body Type
Body Type:-4
Body Type/Body Morphing
Neck Height:-59 Width:3 Depth:3
Chest Height:-24 Width:-19 Depth:-2
Shoulders Height:-82 WidthL-42 Depth:-28
Abdomen: Height:-2 Width:12 Depth:12
Waist Width:11 Depth:7
Arms: Length:0 Width:-15 Depth:8
Hands Length:0 Width:0 Depth:0
Legs Length 0 Width:2 Depth:2
Feet Length:0 Width:0 Depth:0

(enterence and Cut scene)Tops 28/40 Tucked out Color X:-100 Y:-15 Shade:-15 Alpha:100
ArmWear Hands Both Color X:-100 Y:-15 Shade:-15 Alpha:100
Bottoms 37/42 Color X:-100 Y:-15 Shade:-15 Alpha:100
Bottoms/Design 120/141 complety white on both legs or if you have a better one
Belts 12/30 X:100 Y:0 Shade:50 Alpha:100 (place under top on layers)
Boots/Shoes 1/33 X: -27 Y:0 Shade:-10

Match Specialty: none
Fighty Style: High-Flyer, Brawler
Crowd Sighns: any