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Owen Hart

created by The Bdork

Name: Owen Hart
HUD Name: Owen
Nickname: The King of Harts
Nickname Placement: Front
Announcer Introduction: Your choice
Hometown: Calgary, Canada
Gender: Male
Weight Class: 103 kg (Light-Heavyweight)
Crowd Reaction: Bad
Show: Raw


Basic Faces: None

-Head Morphing-

Head: (29, 11, -9)
Forehead: (8, -11, 23, -40)

-Face Morphing-

Eyebrows: (-58, -100, -28, -100)
Eyes: (-30, 19, 35, 78, 40, -88, -39)
Nose: (39, 31, 11, 22, -29, -17, 62, -16)
Cheeks: (-10, -29, -28, -10)
Mouth: (44, -20, -48, -29, 35, -4, -17)
Jaw: (40, 13, -18, 18, -7, -15)
Ears: (12, -11, 5, -14)
Skin Aging: 41


Height: 192 cm
Body Type: 13

-Body Morphing-

Neck: (6, 35, 8)
Chest: (27, 18, 17)
Shoulder: (-44, 14, 12)
Abdomen: (-14, 28, 11)
Waist: (20, 14)
Arms: (40, 7, 21)
Hands: (-5, -5, -5)
Legs: (7, 5, 10)
Feet: (2, 2, 2)


1) Definition: 5/9
2) Skin Tone: 1/12 (90, 0, -11)
3) Eye Type: 1/9 (89, 0, -20)
4) Eyebrows: 11/38 (89, 0, -7)
5) Eyelashes: Default
6) Lips: 1/16 (99, 0, -15)
7) Teeth: Default
8) Hair: 17/73 (70, 13, 0)
9) Underwear: 4/31 (-13, -100, 0)
10) Templates: 17/26 (90, 0, 0, 0)
11) Make-Up: 19/19 (92, -100, -100, 0)
12) Wrestling-Tights: 5/17 (-75, 100, 100, 40, 16)
13) Wrestling-Tights: 5/17 (-36, -80, -75, 100, 5)
14) Wrestling-Attire: 12/18 (-36, -80, -82)
15) Kneepads: 7/15 (-36, -80, -75, 100)
16) Kneepads: 15/15 (-36, -80, -70, 100)
17) Boots: 2/33, Stylize: 2nd smallest (-36, -80, -70)

This is for the heart logo on his chest
The pink outline:
18) Torso: Design: 93/141, smallest horizontal, smallest vertical (-75, -30, 100, 100)
19) Torso: Design: 93/141, smallest horizontal, smallest vertical (-75, -30, 100, 100)
20) Torso: Design: 93/141, smallest horizontal, smallest vertical (-75, -30, 100, 100)
21) Torso: Design: 138/141, rotate 2x, 2nd biggest horizontal, smallest vertical (-75, -30, 100, 100)

Heart and crown:
22) Torso: Design: 93/141, smallest horizontal, smallest vertical (-19, -100, 59, 100)
23) Alphabet: 2/18: ‘w’, 2nd smallest horizontal, smallest vertical (-25, -100, 25, 100)

Logo on his boots:
24) Left Leg: Design: 93/141, 2nd biggest horizontal, smallest vertical (-75, -30, 100, 100)
25) Left Leg: Design: 112/141, 2nd smallest horizontal, 2nd smallest vertical (0, -100, 15, 100)
26) Right Leg: Design: 93/141, 2nd biggest horizontal, smallest vertical (-75, -30, 100, 100)
27) Right Leg: Design: 112/141, 2nd smallest horizontal, 2nd smallest vertical (0, -100, 15, 100)

Fighting Style 1: Technical
Fighting Style 2: Highflier
Match Specialty: None
Voice: 3
Crowd Signs: Your choice