MARIA KANELLIS' PLAYBOY PICTURES NOW AVAILABLE!!! Feel free to check our site and don't forget to check out Maria Kanellis' playboy pictures on this site.


created by CarreMarie30

The only parts mentioned here will simply be any facial/body morphing, things like hair and such will be dealt with in my layers section.

Head Morphing
Head: 1/-19/-50
Forhead: -100/-100/-100/-59

Face Morphing
Eyebrows: -100/100/0/66
Eyes: 33/-44/-17/-32/3/0/25
Nose: 99/100/100/-13/-37/-55/0/0
Cheeks: -100/-100/-100/-100
Mouth: -50/-44/-80/0/100/3/-11
Jaw: 44/-40/-6/-25/-29/-84
Ears: 0/0/0/0


Height: 5'6"

Body Type: -31

Body Morphing:

Neck: -58/11/-1
Chest: 0/0/0
Bust: 52/-24/-26
Shoulders: -17/25/51
Abdomen: 18/18/32
Waist: 4/29
Arms: 69/30/15
Hands: 65/22/26
Legs: -25/18/10
Feet: -48/-37/-12

Face/Body Parts Layer:
Don't forget to put the layers in the right order or it won't look right. k?

1 - Definition: 3/6
2 - Skin Tone: 3/9 - Color Picker: X: 90 Y: 0 Shade: 7
3 - Eye Type: 1/9 - Color Picker: X: 96 Y: 39 Shade: 7
4 - Eye Brows: 20/38 - Color Picker: X: 89 Y: -100 Shade: 0
5 - Eye Lashes: 1/15 - Color Picker: X: 85 Y: -100 Shade: -23
6 - Lips: 4/16 - Color Picker: X: 96 Y: 11 Shade: -35
7 - Teeth: (Default)
8 - Hair: 27/73 (Style 2) - Color Picker: X: 93 Y: 20 Shade: -19 Hair Scale: 100

Clothing Layer:
(Legend - Anything ending with P or L = Patterns Or Logos As They Apply, Also from here out, do number in chronological order, as I'm not naming each one for color picker) Also the || is simply used to divide the numbers

9 - Underwear (Default)
10 - Arms/Wrists: 15/20 || -13, -100, -55, 100
11 - Face Paint: 93/118 || 94, 0, 0, 9
12 - Face Paint: 73/118 || 99, 0, 0. 46
13 - Face Paint: 100/118 || -30, 0, 54, 2
14 - Arm Accessories: 5/12 || (Default Settings)
15 - Boots/Shoes: 29/33 || -13, -100, -55
16 - Tattoo Arm ®: 95/147 || 37, 59, -97, 100
17 - Tattoo Arm ®: 85/147 || 88, 0, 18, 38
18 - (This is optional, I added it because it looked cute)Tops: 27/57 || (Tucked In Style) (Default Color)
19 - Make Up: 1/19 (Style 2) || (Use Black Default on Color Bar)
20 - Make Up: 1/19 (Style 1) || (Use Black Default On Color Bar)
21 - Tops: 23/57 (Tucked in Style) || -13/-100/-55/100
22 - WWE Logo: 5/47 || (Default Color)
23 - Bottoms: 8/23 || -13/-100/0
24 - Make Up: 11/19 (Style 1) || 100/0/0/71