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Gambit (tas attire)

created by DezmonD

x = Color X Coordinate
y = Color Y Coordinate
s = Shade
L = Length
a = Alpha
h = horizontal
v = vertical
sp = Specular
d = Default
Please follow the formula step by step.
If I do not mention a certain area / layer it is not important, Email me at if you find there are errors in the formula or have any questions. [P.s. this is not my main account so I may take awhile to reply]

Body Type (-25) – Advanced options
Neck: d
Chest: d
Shoulder: 0, 70, 0
Abdomen: d
Waist: d
Arm: 20, 20, 0
Hands: 50, 50, 50
Legs: d
Feet: d

Body Skin – [88x 11y]

Body Height – 6’6’’

Head Morphing
Head: -17, -25, -4
Forehead: 75, 33, -55, 44

Face Morphing
Eyebrows: -20, -17, 0, -10
Eyes: 4, -20, 40, -22, 0, 100, 15
Nose: -10, 40, 0, -7, 6, 37, 17, 14
Cheeks: -30, -20, 0, 0
Mouth: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 54, -78
Jaw: 28, -28, 14, -10, 0, 0
Ears: d

1. Top 3, skin tight, long sleeved, tucked. [-100s]
2. Top 1, skin tight, tucked. [-83x -14y -43s]
3. Upper body Accessories 11. [-80x 23y 0s]
4. Wrestling Tights 16. [-65s]
5. Belts 1. [-17x 60y 37s]
6. Move them accordingly, they should be in the order they were added.
7. Shoes 1. [-21x 44y 38s]
8. Socks 1. [-20x 6y -47s 55L]
9. Knee pads 12. [-21x -25y -15s]
10. Belt 1. [-17x 57y 23s]
11. Gloves 9. [-100s]
12. Torso symbol 104. H-scale up once. Move it over HIS left breast (your right), letting it sit over his pec. [-20x -30y 20s]
13. Torso symbol 104. H-scale up once and rotate. Move it over HIS right breast (your left). [-20x -30y 20s]
14. Torso Design 103. Move it in to the middle of the blue mass so that the base juts out (forming a Y-shape). [-20x -30y 20s]
15. Masks 17. [-100s]
16. Masks 21. [-100s]
17. Face paint 56. [97x 27y -7s]
18. Make-up 1.
19. Facial Hair (Goatee) 11.
20. Facial Hair (Template) 7. [25a]
21. Head lettering: Signs 1/7: Use the solid full stop. Max scale and move it into Gambit’s left eye. [Red]
22. Follow previous step but with Gambit’s right eye.
23. Head symbol 100. V-scale down once and move it over his left eye (your right). [86x -55y]
24. Head symbol 100. V-scale down once and rotate. Move it over his right eye. [86x -55y]
25. Head symbol 103. Max scale. Move it to the left side of his face so it covers the cheek but not his cheek bone. [-100s]
26. Head symbol 104. Max scale. Like the previous step, do the same for the other side of his face. [-100s]
27. Jackets 15. [88x -47y -19s]
28. Hair 21. Select the style in which his left eye is covered. [96x -11y -55s]

Optional: 4 remaining symbols are [-100s]
29. Left arm symbol 103. H-scale down once and move it to cover the knuckle side of his left middle and ring finger.
30. Left arm symbol 103. H-scale down once and move it to cover the palm side of his left middle and ring finger.
31. Follow the previous 2 steps for his right arm.