MARIA KANELLIS' PLAYBOY PICTURES NOW AVAILABLE!!! Feel free to check our site and don't forget to check out Maria Kanellis' playboy pictures on this site.

D.H. Smith (debut attire)

created by DCsolidus


Hair: 1 (81, 0, 0)

-Head Morphing-

Head: (-15, 5, 5)
Forehead: (-12, -100, 2, -70)


Eye Type: 1--- middle option (85, 0, -10)
Eyelashes: Default
Eyebrows: 7 (85, 0, -6)
Lips: default
Teeth: default
Skin tone: 6 (88, 5, 0, 15)
Skin aging: 0

-Face Morphing-

Eyebrows: (11, 33, -25, -24)
Eyes: (-15, -31, 10, -20, 0, 0, 0)
Nose: (-5, -35, -50, -11, -44, -54, -59, 20)
Cheeks: (11, -100, 55, 70)
Mouth: (100, -40, 25, 10, -15, -100, -48)
Jaw: (-55, 0, 44, 0, 100, 100)
Ears: (40, 0, 0, 35)


Body Type: 14

-Body Morphing-
Neck: (26, -3, -12)
Chest: (4, 4, -4)
Shoulder: (0, 71, 45)
Abdomen: (0, 6, 0)
Waist: (0, 0)
Arms: (-64, 45, -23)
Hands: (-77, 29, 11)
Legs: (-14, -27, 8)
Feet: (0, 0, 0)

Defintion: 6


UnderWear 30/31- color (-25, 31, 40)
Still in underwear options place two seperate flags on back and front **use pics as refference** of trunks they are:

LOGOS/FLAG----11/12 canada flag make as big as you see fit just plce above the blur and to the top of the trunks.

LOGOS/FLAG----2/12 england flag again make as big as you like just place above the crotch blur on the front.

wristbands: 1 (-13, -100, 100, 100, 20)
KneePads: 15/15 (-19, 7, 22, 100)
Boots: 30/33 1st color (-100, 98, 48) Second color (5, 98, 48)


tattoos/design/legs/left leg/---103/141--- I used about 12 of these you may find an easier way but use them to cover the red in the left boot and make blue like in the pic. COLOR (-18, -7, 7, 100)

Make up: 19/19 (92, -11, 29, 73)
Facial Features: 1/9 (92, -3, -70, 100)

If any one has any questions about those designs for the attire then message me or post it on here and i'll be glad to help HAPPY CAWING