MARIA KANELLIS' PLAYBOY PICTURES NOW AVAILABLE!!! Feel free to check our site and don't forget to check out Maria Kanellis' playboy pictures on this site.

Cody Rhodes (raw attire)

created by the god of caw deaconbomb ink

Head: \-9 \7 \0
Forehead: \0 \11 \15 \0

Eyebrows: \-84 \100 \0 \-27
Eyes: \0 \6 \1 \27 \21 \0 \-20
Nose: \0 \18 \100 \-19 \34 \-79 \29 \10
Cheeks: \-60 \-43 \-32 \27
Mouth: \41 \-40 \-21 \0 \-3 \-5 \-54
Jaw: \35 \29 \0 \-53 \52 \0
Ears: \33 \100 \0 \0
Skin Aging:0

Body Type:0

Neck: \-12 \21 \0
Chest: \38 \-9 \0
Shoulder: \-100 \-15 \3
Abdomen: \-5 \2 \0
Waist: \8 \2
Arms: \-5 \5 \5
Hands: \0 \0 \0
Legs: \0 \11 \8
Feet: \0 \9 \0

Body Height:6'0"

1.Body Skin:1 x:90 y:0 s:4
2.Face Skin Tones:1
3.Eyes:2 x:-9 y:-47 s:-5
4.Eyebrows:50 x:83 y:0 s:-6
6.Lips:42 x:96 y:-6 s:-6
8.Hair:1 x:90 y:16 s:-15
9.Body Hair:1
10.Underwear:6 Default
11.Elbow Pads:2 Default
12.Tights:1 X:71 Y:3 S:15 A:100 L:100
13.Tights:5 X:90 Y:-37 S:9 A:100 L:53
14.Underwear:28 X:78 Y:9 S:68 A:100
15.Underwear:7 X:78 Y:9 S:68 A:100
16.Underwear:5 X:78 Y:9 S:68 A:100
17.Make-up:61 X:91 Y:-2 S:3 A:40
18.Make-up:48 X:91 Y:-2 S:3 A:6
19.Make-up:18 X:92 Y:2 S:4 A:82
20.Make-up:19 X:90 Y:-17 S:0 A:88
21.Shoes:2 (middle sized) X:75 Y:2 S:14
22.Alphabet: Page 6 'C' Pre-set Green
23.Alphabet: Page 6 'R' Pre-set Green
24.Design:97 Smallest Vertical 3rd Horizontal X:-60 Y:100 S:-39 A:0 (check Help pics for Placement)
25.Sighn:the '(' on page 1 X:100 Y:0 S:-28 A:0
26.Logo: 7 Rotate onceLargest Horizontal 3rd Vertical X:-100 Y:-100 S:-100 A:0 (place on shoe over laces)
27.Repeat 26
28.Design:97 Smallest both ways X:90 Y:-45 S:42 A:100
29.Sideburns:7 X:89 Y:0 S:-43 A:15
30.Make-up:27 X:90 Y:0 S:-5 A:0