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Captain America (classic attire)

created by DeZmonD

x = Color X Coordinate
y = Color Y Coordinate
s = Shade
L = Length
a = Alpha
h = horizontal
v = vertical
sp = Specular
d = Default
Please follow the formula step by step.
If I do not mention a certain area / layer it is not important, Email me at if you find there are errors in the formula or have any questions. [P.s. this is not my main account so I may take awhile to reply]

Captain America

Body Type (-55) – Advanced options
Neck: d
Chest: d
Shoulder: 0, 100, 0
Abdomen: -40, 0, 0
Waist: d
Arm: 20, 20, 0
Hands: 50, 50, 50
Legs: d
Feet: d

Body Height – 6’7’’

Head Morphing
Head: -20, 0, -15
Forehead: 61, -100, 12, 0

Face Morphing
Eyebrows: -49, 0, -100, 100
Eyes: -10, -10, 0, -100, -20, 100, 10
Nose: 0, 100, -30, -30, 0, 0, 20, -15
Cheeks: 0, 100, 0, 0
Mouth: -100, -39, -9, 0, 0, -30, -100
Jaw: -20, 18, 30, 30, 21, 0
Ears: 0, 10, 62, -100

1. Make sure you have done the morphing first.
2. Also note this other color [-18x -8y 33s], I will refer to this as [C. Blue] for the blue on his mask.
3. Eyes 1. [100x 0y 0s]
4. Hair 2.
5. Underwear 28. This is to allow other underwear to be worn later.
6. Mask 17. [-18x 100y -20s]
7. Face paint 56. [87x 45y 5s]
8. Mask 11. [-18x 100y -20s]
9. Wrestling Attire 13. [-18x 100y -12s]
10. Face paint 73. [90x 16y 55s]
11. (Template) facial hair 16. [-100y -100s 10a]
12. Horns 11. [-100y 40s]
13. Tops 3. Skin-tight, untucked. [-18x 28y 1s 31L]
14. Wrist bands 1. [-100y 0s]
15. Gloves 4. [-100x -10y -5s]
16. Belt 13
17. Shoes 7. [-100x -15y -30s]
18. Torso symbol 141. Move it up a little from its starting position. [White]
19. Torso symbol 103. V-scale up once. Move it down so that it cuts into the belt. The top end should touch his pec. [White]
20. Torso symbol 103. V-scale up once. Move it down in line with the white symbol. [-100x -30y 10s]
21. Repeat these 2 steps until you have an alternating red-white pattern around his torso. I used 14 symbols. A tip is to make the stripes smaller on his back to fit 14, or you would face the problem of joining same coloured stripes after completely covering his torso. Personally, I had to re-edit layers to even out the stripes. Start from the last symbol if you have to do this.
22. Head symbol 103. Rotate and V-scale and H-scale down once. Place it in the middle of his forehead, as high as possible without disappearing. [White]
23. Head symbol 100. V-scale up twice and H-scale down once. Move it to join the previous symbol on the left. [White]
24. Head symbol 100. V-scale up twice, H-scale down once and rotate. Move it to join the rectangle on the right. [White]
25. Head symbol 103. Rotate and H-scale up once. Move it onto the hemline of the mask.
26. Head symbol 103. Max scale. Move it onto his left cheek bone, covering the “skin” but not his eye. It should be in line with the edge of the pupil. [C. Blue]
27. Head symbol 103. Max scale. Move it below the previous symbol to extend it to his jaw. [C. Blue]
28. Head symbol 103. Max scale. Move it to his right cheek bone. [C. Blue]
29. Head symbol 103. Max scale. Move it to his right cheek, extending it past the jaw. [C. Blue]
30. Head symbol 103. Rotate, max H-scale and V-scale up once. Move it over his nose to cover the skin. [C. Blue]
31. Move the belt after the designs so that it covers the red and white stripes.